Online Giving
First United Methodist Church has partnered with Vanco Systems to offer secure online giving!
Making donations to First United Methodist Church Neenah-Menasha and its many mission ministries
is now easier than ever. Donating electronically will save you time; no more need to write out monthly checks and mail or drop off donations at the church office. Simply click on the Vanco icon below to
give once or setup recurring electronic giving. You can also use the Vanco Mobile App available from
the Apple Store or Android Play Store. Download the Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement App to give on
your smartphone or tablet. Once downloaded, search for us on the app by typing "First United
Methodist Church Neenah." Please note the search is case-sensitive. After locating our church,
you will be asked to sign up or login.
Making donations to First United Methodist Church Neenah-Menasha and its many mission ministries
is now easier than ever. Donating electronically will save you time; no more need to write out monthly checks and mail or drop off donations at the church office. Simply click on the Vanco icon below to
give once or setup recurring electronic giving. You can also use the Vanco Mobile App available from
the Apple Store or Android Play Store. Download the Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement App to give on
your smartphone or tablet. Once downloaded, search for us on the app by typing "First United
Methodist Church Neenah." Please note the search is case-sensitive. After locating our church,
you will be asked to sign up or login.